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Update: 2022
Posted on: July 31, 2022, at 09:37:06pm

It's been a long time, but I'm still here! Here are some quick updates:

- I graduated university and now teach middle school choir
- I've sung for The Killers for one of their shows in Las Vegas
- I've done competitive Mario Kart for 1 year (solo, free agent) and another year as an esports admin and manager for a competitive team, Storm Rush Gaming
- I worked retail for almost 5 years, but quit recently due to new management and the high stress environment that came with it
- I bought a soundvoltex controller, and I love this thing to death.

I don't play much FFR anymore. If anyone would like to keep in touch, you can find me here:

I do play StepMania with a soundvoltex controller, and stream it every now and then on twitch.

Love and miss everyone here. Please do not hesitate to say hi! I hope you are all well. Please take care of yourselves, because you matter and you are important.