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Looks like I'm retired.
Posted on: June 8, 2023, at 06:21:12pm

Stepmania gags aside, tis true. I have handed in my moderatorship.

I feel like I didn't have enough time in my life to be able to dedicate to the role, or what the role required - especially heading up the department, for lack of better words.

I've been promoted about 3 or 4 times in the last year or so at my real life job, and that challenge has been very good for me, but it comes with the obvious sacrifice of free time. Mix in other hobbies, and a relationship, and slowly things start falling away. The last thing I wanted to do, or be, is someone who just has the title for the heck of it, or overstays their welcome, because we know that's happened too often on FFR.

Thank you to everyone in the Discord for their kind words; thank you to you, the user, for making this a solid community where I - admittedly - didn't have to do much - and when I did, being quick to alert and let me do my thing; and thank you especially to all the people who dedicate their time and effort to being staff on this site. There are so many incredible people doing good stuff behind the scenes, and I'm so grateful to be able to have met so many of them, and become friends with them.
Give them all the love in the world, because they honestly deserve it for all the good work they do.

This isn't goodbye, but a hello from a new perspective. A civilian life I haven't experienced since September of 2013.

  1. o\

  2. Welcome back to the civilian life and thanks for everything you've done for us on FFR, Trevor! <3
    PS: I enjoyed the title reference lol

  3. Welcome back to the GOOD side. :D
    Jokes aside, hope stuff continues to go well for you.

  4. Enjoy your well deserved retirement Trevor! You did a terrific job, and I'm very happy to have you as a friend. :)

  5. o7

  6. I love you my dude! Thank you for your years of dedication to this community, and thank you for being my bro all along!