Back to Synthlight's profile
It's Time for Some Pre-Spring Cleaning
Posted on: November 27, 2009, at 02:32:03am

Hardware failures have not been kind to me over the last 4 months. I have been working almost non-stop in my spare time for almost 2 months to optimize, re-route and fix issues with FFR. Many of you probably noticed that the forums are back to where they should be. Tomorrow evening multiplayer, chat and other services are going to be updated as well.

I have also been busy pondering the release of something extra but I need to make sure it is working right before release.


  1. Good to see you on Synth :D

  2. cool synth!
    any reason why you weren't talking to anyone about this earlier???

  3. oh my god synth!

  4. O____________________O
    Out of the dark. I'm liking it.

  5. Synth still exists, damn.

  6. Also, I would like to say--this needs to be posted for the entire homepage, not just subbies. Everyone should see that you're still trying to take care of things.

  7. Agreed.

  8. Along with a really long, detailed explanation of absence. You aren't retarded, and you apparently care somewhat, so please. Explain.

  9. :O

  10. sarah you jerk why did you delete my comments

  11. Omg you posted on the front page lol

  12. Well i mean on the blue box hehe

  13. synth exists.

  14. hes alive O.o

  15. Sup synth :)

  16. It's not synth. If it was, he would have signed his post :|

  17. Whose Synth?

  18. your synth

  19. heh

  20. Long time no see! :D

  21. good to see you were workin on stuff for ffr even though you weren't active around the site

  22. HOLY SH*T O____O

  23. Hi :)

  24. sounds sexy :)


  26. Someone hold Down+B and see if they can get him to stay.

  27. Trainer Cedolad sent out Synthlight, etc.etc.

  28. Whoa! Synthlight has returned!!!! (for the moment)

  29. sweet nice to you see you Synth


  31. 31

  32. Well well, if it isn't Synth. Good to see you back man! =D

  33. I'm excited.

  34. Synth, it's good to see you once again!

  35. Good job and good day. :)

  36. R3!

  37. wow you all are faggots
    it's like you totally disregarded what synth hasn't done these past 4 months, which is COMMUNICATION!!!1111
    yell at that bastard for ignoring us for such a logn time

  38. just re-look at tass' earlier subbie post, and then you will feel the same anger you have been feeling.

  39. oh, and synth's not back. he just came back here to fix necessary shit. oh look, he's gone now :-)

  40. rip ffr

  41. what IK Said

  42. dont forget everyone:
    synth owes A LOT of people A LOT of money

  43. come on downvote somethin' ppl

  44. Hi Synth.
    Have fun paying off the massive debt you have seem to have acquired.

  45. Good luck, Synth.
    Keep this site alive.

  46. Poke is right cant be synth no signature

  47. Some people here are total douchebag *cough*irishknight*cough*dood gone krazee*cough*
    Happy to see you back synth :D

  48. penis

  49. Synth would love to return to assholes like you. He doesn't owe YOU any money, so why don't you fuck right off and shit the bed.

  50. Irish and dood gone kraze, you guys are complete assholes. You guys have no right of saying he does not care about the site. Unlike you guys he does have a life. So please does us all a favor and do as my username says.

  51. shut up you non subscribers. we subscribers paid good money to see this site fully maintained, updated, and efficiently run.
    apparently synth has a life, so he will have to give up his ownership to the site to people without lives (tass) so this site can be correctly run.

  52. fucking manifest destiny, bitches

  53. I hope to see VC working again too... :P

  54. Demote Tass while you're here lulz I want to see Tass as a non admin. XD
    Anyhow, welcome back Synth.

  55. Something extra? like what?

  56. he is kidding. he is falsely giving us something to look forward to.
    he's has done this in the past, too. (e.g. 3rd style)

  57. Notice the, "working almost non-stop in my spare time" line.

  58. "It's not synth. If it was, he would have signed his post :|"
    ^ This.
    Doesnt he always sign "Cheers, Synthlight"?
    In that auto comment and in the forums he always has...

  59. oh look it's signed now

  60. lol
    And irish, on my main account I do have subbie lol.

  61. This isn't correctly signed. If this was the real synth, there would be a space between "cheers," and "Synthlight"
    (just look at his past forum and profile though posts)

  62. Thanks for showing yourself, Synth. You have my full support. We look forward to whatever it is you have in store for us on FFR.

  63. Welcome back, Synth. c:
    Nice to know you're still around. xD

  64. Let's do the time warp.

  65. XD Synthlight's back.

  66. I love how some people got so butthurt over mine and irishknight's comments.

  67. Its pretty lol when its the truth.

  68. fucking assholes

  69. I don't believe your excuse, Synth. Sounds like you're just trying to make an excuse against Tass' arguements.

  70. don't worry, he is.
    he needs to hand the ownership over to tass already, or someone more fucking RESPONSIBLE

  71. Irish, you're still a whiney little bitch eh. -.-

  72. fuck off loser EH EH EH

  73. ilu

  74. i love you <3

  75. Synth, Bro I thought this site was gonna tank with all the problems, Tass's issues, but now that you are back you gotta lot to ponder about over the future of this site. Take it in stride Papa bear =D This is your big chance to re-earn support of alot of the users, cause there is only a select few still sadly believing in the sites admins.
    Keep it up Synth.

  76. ilu synth >.< cheers

  77. i want my something extra!
    We blues deserve it!

  78. cal is my lover. dont forget it

  79. It is Synth, xD I finally saw the age old "Cheers" Glad to have you back man! n_n

  80. sweet

  81. I want this site to get back on its legs and start running again. I miss the old FFR where all the admins were active and everyone was playing and having fun.

  82. everyone is still playing and having fun lol.

  83. D: i dont believe it

  84. Hurrah! Synthlight!!!!!!

  85. Hey, good to see ya, Synth.

  86. Synth, the staff who are here, you have our support.
    Lol irish, i'm never unbanning you from vc :D

  87. fuck me

  88. irishknight
    what's up buddy long time no see

  89. ilu plaguefox

  90. i cant wait for something extra :)

  91. I love all these updates and whatnot!
    But I'm stirring for the Simfile Database! >.>

  92. This is from last year guys don't get your hopes up.

  93. what do you mean suzergy?

  94. oh yea the post is from last year :|

  95. The myth is true.

  96. Definitely from November 27, 2009.

  97. Please try and fix MP (aka) Multiplayer it was one of my most favorite things todo on FFR!

  98. @turbo-talker i know but this post is from a long time ago it is possible they will eventaully but until then we have to do with the old method wich is challengenge

  99. I have tried to play ffrthegame and the arrows will just not work. It boo's when I press a key, but wont hit the arrows at all. Help!

  100. comment 100 I bask in the glory! :D

  101. @kirbyking5 set custom speed i think thats the only way it will work though not sure

  102. i'm vry happy.

  103. You guys have been working your asses off and I know the majority of us appreciate it. Thanks (:

  104. Hi lol.

  105. Lmao. I like how this post from last year makes sense with what's going on right now. Lol. :P

  106. No tongue smiley? :p

  107. my bros ffr account isnt working

  108. Was there always a blue box at the top where subscribers would get more in depth info and whatnot? *rides on the 4 billion score that I haven't touched in forever*

  109. Nice! cant wait for multiplayer! :D

  110. hi guys

  111. only

  112. wow is this being revived?

  113. Hope FFR will last ^^ Stay awesome.

  114. First comment of 2012.
    Hello Mr.Synthlight

  115. frist cement of 20014

  116. 2015.... We missed 2013.... Dammit

  117. 2016!!!!"

  118. 2017

  119. 2023