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FFR and a Half
Posted on: September 25, 2009, at 11:27:40am

well its been a year and a half on FFR. You know im just chillin in my geometry class right now so I decided to write the legacy of how I came to FFR

About three years ago I had saw my buddy Max (DDRCrazy5) sucking hardcore at FFR. His rank then was about mid 1,000's. I had really become interested in this game so I decided to give it a try. I remember playing for the first time the first song that I played was a little Free Space and i remembered sucking hardcore at it. I played on and off for a few years as an annonomys (lol my spelling) and then finally established the name StyleTheBronx5.

Now how do you get the name StyleTheBronx5? Well when I used to listen to J-Lo a long time ago I remembered that my favorite song was Jenny From the Block and at the end of the course I always thought she said "StyleTheBronx." So then i just adapted that name and kept it for the past 4-5 years.

Haha everyones leaving I might edit this later : )

okay its later 9/27 : )

So after making a profile I thought that I would make an account called StyleTheBronx5. That is the name I have been known by since I have started FFR. People come and people go, and it still sucks that there are hardly any people that are from Vermont that play FFR anymore. But most of the time anyway, people on this site are very nice and care about what is going on. I still suck because after a year im still at 5,000 overall rank, but then again I dont get high speed where I live, so I play at a local library where FFR is considered "Banned" because its disruptive to others and damages the keyboard. But, I still do it anyways. I get that rush so it is all good.