StyleTheBronx5's photos

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Uploaded on August 17, 2008 at 06:04:49pm

Picture Comments

  1. i love this picture of you!!! i'm stealing your hair.

  2. ah i like this :3
    especially that shirt haha

  3. haha nice shades
    and kool purple shirt <3

  4. very awesome ^_~

  5. :O i like dis oneeee

  6. My brother has the same kind of hair...

  7. My favourite!!!!

  8. haha love everything in it :P

  9. like the shirt. dc!!!

  10. woaah.
    dang brendan day.
    lookin' pretty pimp in this one.

  11. you look like you have an afro in this picture lol

  12. hahahaha looking cool =D