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WTF Chewfox!
Posted on: September 19, 2009, at 04:54:03pm

Another reason to be ashamed of the fandom and WHY people think we are so fucked up. Chewfox and her mate went on the Tyra Banks show as part of the "Is your sex life normal?" episode. Chewfox and her mate were there as well as a woman with two husband and one who engages in wild sex parties. Chewfox did a WONDERFUL job at telling the world that all furries are are yiff-o-holics who have sex dressed as animals and Tyra loved assuming that furries get turned on at places like disney world and at carnivals where they have mascots. WHY do we have to have the worst possible fucking people represent out fandom and lifestyles on national TV!? for her show site for a recap of the episode

  1. T-T Damn.