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Posted on: February 19, 2013, at 10:04:46am

I plan on losing weight again. Me and another member of the FFR community have a little bet going to see who can get there first.

Current Weight: 242 lbs

Goal Weight: 225 lbs

Week 1: [Day 1] WTF did I do this day...

Week 1: [Day 2] I have dropped 2 pounds! Woot. I have also taken some advice from ElRayford and started doing push-ups. It's tough but I'm sure with my own will, and others support, that I can do this.

Week 1: [Day 3] So went for my run today. Felt really good. Still getting over some muscle pain from when I worked-out too hard with a friend. Push-ups are also looking up. Maxed 7 at the end of my set. Felt like a beast. :D Anyways here is my weight, it will fluctuate so, don't get onto me about it going up or down 1 or 2 pounds.
Weight: 241
Push-Ups Total=19 Max=7

Week 1: [Day 4] Lazy day today. Spent it getting "Photoshop CS 6" and fixing stuff around the house.

Week 1: [Day 5] Got to working out today. Started sit-ups(crunches actually) as well. Maxed out 8 push-ups. \o/ Did 19 sit-ups.
Push-Ups Total=24 Max=8

Week 1: [Day 6] Man...that run really suprised me. I was able to make it to the half-way point and back a little ways without stopping. Then I jogged the rest of the way back after quick breather(I was walking of course). Did push-ups, sit-ups/crunches, and squats.
Push-Ups Total=15 Max=6

Wish me luck all!

  1. Good Luck see you at 225 :D

  2. Keep at it.

  3. Good luck, I hope you reach your goal!

  4. Clever competition. He is trying to build up your arm muscle to increase your weight. DON'T FALL FOR IT. STARVE YOURSELF.

  5. Haha.

  6. do it