Good Profile! UnCool! 
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FFR Average Rank:47,321
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FFR Games Played:536
Location:Florida, USA
Last Activity:05-18-2009
Member for: 15.43 years
Gaming Region:USA - Southeast
Profile Views: 721
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About me:
I'm Eric. 18 Years old. Music is my passion, my art, and my life. I sing; it allows me to express myself in ways words can't. Just humming a simple melody can make me happy. I'm artistically inclined. I hate meat with a passion. It tastes bad, and animal slaughter is cruel. I'm not an activist or anything. I believe in karma, what goes around comes around. I cherish and thrive on intellect in others and in myself. If you'd like to speak to me, don't sound like a complete retard. I won't respond to you. I find amazing beauty in words. Introspection is what I am. I surround myself with the things that inspire me and make me smile. Don't bash gays in my presence, I support them. And no, that doesn't mean I am gay. Everything I write or do has a purpose or is meant to portray a message, whether it's subliminal or in your face obvious. Keep your heart, I've found the love of my life. Don't use me, or abuse me. Keep your drama to yourself. I live above the influence. Smoking, drinking, and doing drugs is not cool. I'm not materialistic I'm stronger than that.
Your Mother.<3
Fav Music:
Anything your parents hate. :] At the moment, screamo, techno, and death metal.
Fav Movies:
Classic horror films such as Pumpkinhead. Sweeney Todd.<3. The Four Christmases. Twilight (although the books are much better. :])
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Comment wall
bre_bre01 writes...
at 2:58:45am on 7/16/09
iovegir01 writes...
at 7:09:45pm on 5/18/09
no problem you are!
tasteses good!
iovegir01 writes...
at 4:19:27pm on 5/4/09
hi! ^.^ your hot!!!!!!
xlovexitx808 writes...
at 2:05:42am on 2/27/09
I see. But I'm not really that great myself. Haha ;]
Suzii1 writes...
at 9:42:53pm on 2/26/09
Lol, I'm not random, I just have alot to say :p and no one really listens, Hmmmm that kid better watch his back, or he'll regret it. oh oh oh i made a new friend today. xD LOL. actually like 5 new friends. xD Lol. Oooooh hmmmm LASJFLAKSJFDALKDF idk what to say. I hurt myself. like really badly too, Okay so when i went to a concert a while ago i was saying when this guy hugged me he like clawed my arm and it realy hurt well i showed my friend how he did tht and i ended up hurting myself. and she's like yr an idiot dude xD LOL. i was like yeah.. now my arm hurts. LOL. XD wanna hear a joke?
Suzii1 writes...
at 4:42:14pm on 2/26/09
xP i spoke to this person face to face. Lol. yes cuttings bad but it feels good when you're really sad or mad. :D Lol. But don't cut xP hmmm lajslkfajsdf i pissed off this guy who pissed off this girl who happens to be my friend. and he was just being a total bitch, you don't go "Hey thanks for talking to me, whats your name, number, email, age, school you go to, state you live in and social security number" yeah no that doesn't fly with me and punky, and he kept pissing her off and he said something mean on a sign she made for me and i was like FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU then i deleted the comment i sent xP and sent another one. hahah XD
xlovexitx808 writes...
at 9:43:30pm on 2/25/09
Haha, I'm always willing to try helping out a friend. :]
Suzii1 writes...
at 4:44:34pm on 2/25/09
x) Same here. OMGG. as;dlfasjfd i was talking to this person and she made me promise her i wouldn't cut. and i used to cut and i was talking about how i used to cut and she was like "BUT YOU PROMISED." and i was like "Huh? I can't change the past.." and she's like "YOU CUT YOU CUT YOU CUT!!!" and i was like "Yeah..Last year...." and she was like D': wait, last year? oh i thought you meant a week ago. lol. xD laskjfdasl;kdf paper cuts should die. i'm boredd D: lol
xlovexitx808 writes...
at 12:35:00am on 2/23/09
Haha it can get pretty hot here but its not as bad as many places on the mainland during the summer. And the only time I get sunburned is when I go to the beach so I'd have to say that it's not that bad here. You should come and visit at least once and see for yourself. :]
And I'm sure you can't be that bad at throwing darts, haha its not that hard top do. I"m currently teaching one of my friends how to hit the board and actually have the dart stay haha so if indeed you aren't to great with your precision I'm sure you could be taught quite easily.
Suzii1 writes...
at 8:14:38pm on 2/22/09
:D Hi :D I just got a paper cut ;_; like 3 weeks ago i was talking to izzy hilton. and like every 5 minutes i'd get a paper cut. and he'd laugh. D: xD Lol. Whatcha doingggg?? :D
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