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Bre | NYC | College | Artist | Dork | Dreamer | Atlantian | Need I say more?? lolz
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Random Thoughts
Posted on: January 30, 2011, at 07:27:39pm   [0 comments]

The One that Got Away
Posted on: January 8, 2011, at 11:20:05am   [0 comments]
Let it rain, let it pour, I can handle this on my own, I don't need you anymore.

Look at you so strong now, or so you say, I bet you can't make it with out me for a whole day...I'm sorry, am I getting to your head? Would you prefer me to take all the blame instead? Or would you rather I just disapear? After all it seems like you don't "need me here".

If you're gunna keep up with your games then you might as well leave now, find another chick to get around. You can leave her in the dark & only use her as your high, then just ignore her while you hang with your kind. Or even better mess with her mind & make her think you're on her side. Does that sound familiar to you? Sound like all the things you used to do?

Well, I refuse to be your go-to girl if this is what it entails...I'd rather have everything I've worked for derailed. Before my whole point is missed, wrap your mind around this — I'm gone for good with only yourself to blame, turning your first love into the One that Got Away.


"When presented with a choice you can't make - Life tends to make it for you..." [B.K.V]

showin love ^w^
Posted on: December 30, 2008, at 02:07:27pm   [0 comments]
ok.. i'm really bored sooo ima jus show some love to all ma peoplez..^w^:

ma bestest friend in the whole world...known her since ever...lolz she's friggn awesome she's done sooo much for her like ma own sister.^w^

ma best friend whose like ma lil sister...she's friggn halarious and we always share the same intrest in guys...lolz but no way dat be gettin in da way of our friendship...

omg this woman iz friggn awesome...we got almost every class together and it rocks...she's ma biffle for shizzle lmao...we snap at each other for fun but in da end we be rockin it...

~Lil Coco~
oh snap this lil homicidal chick rockz yo...makes me laugh wit her absolute this girl...ain't no words to describe her...lolz

~Friggn awesome Kat~
yooo this girl iz friggn halarious...neva knoe wat she gonna do...dat lil mahattan ass of her's is crazy you don't even knoe...lmao

damn this chick is like friggn awesome i can tell her practically anything...she's an awesome person da most random girl and is one of ma closest besties..^w^

is the sweetest girl ever...her photography some serious talent there yo...she's funny really smart and just her ^-^..

yooo this woman is soo funny you don't even knoe...i've known this girl since like 6th grade..not even..she's been there for a lot in ma life...she ma true hommie..^w^

~Mini me~
omj i absolutely love am mini me Brianna...yoo i swear she's me jus wit a diffrent family we both homicidal..lolz...we both got the same name..yoo i could go on...but i can only fit so much..lmfao..

well datz all ma peoplez for now...there are wayyy more but datz all i can put up for now...but don't worry all ma other peoplez i still love ya'll..laterz ^w^


The 21 Rules of Life
Posted on: November 6, 2008, at 10:38:18pm   [0 comments]
1. Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully.*awwww do i have to?!*

2. Marry a man/woman you love to talk to. As you get older, their conversational skills will be as important as any other.*oh sooo true...perfect ex. ma parents...married 16 wonderful yrs*

3. Don't believe all that you hear, spend all you have or sleep allyou want. *oh yes!*

4. When you say "I love you", mean it. *word*

5. When you say "I'm sorry" look at the person stright in the eyes. *word*

6. Be engaged at least six months in advance before you get married.*and make sure girls aren't pregnat...i don't go for dat...*

7. Believe in love at first sight. *i do*

8. Never laugh at anyone's dreams. People who don't have dreams don't have much.* ohhh snap deaded!*

9. Love deeply and passionately. You might get hurt but it's the only way to live life completely.*i should knoe*

10. In dissagrements, fight fairly. No name calling. *too late*

11. Don't judge people by their reletives.*word or else people'd think ima stuk up jerk.....jk jk jk jk*

12. Talk slowly but think quickly.*ohhhhhhh deaded*

13. When someone askes you a question you don't want to answer, smile and ask "Why do you want to know?" *or just don't answer*

14. Remember that great love and great achivements involve great risks. *word*

15. Say "bless you" when you hear someone sneeze.*dats just common sense*

16. When you lose, don't lose the lesson. *sounds like a friggn after school special*

17. Remember the three Rs: Respect for self, Respect for others, and Responsibility for all your actions.

18. Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship. *PREACH IT!*

19. When your relize you've made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it. *that shoud've been #1*

20. Smile when picking up the phone. The caller will hear it in your voice.*unless they're stalking you they'll knoe for sure*

21. Spend time alone. *correction that should've been # 1*

*to let ya'll know....i didn't make this up my mom just showed it to me and i just poseted on ffr......da lil comments at da end.....were me though*

A loser I once knew
Posted on: November 6, 2008, at 10:24:02pm   [1 comment]
Ever since 5th grade i knew you.
As the years passed i have fantisized of you and me
When i took the risk, things didn't work out.
I Hated you
I despised you
But part of me didn't feel that way
As time went on my feelings changed and i felt yours did too
Was i right or was i wrong
I'll probably never know
But for now i am tourtured by the love songs played on the radio
I am tourtured by my dreams of you
I am tourtured by you and your memories
As i write now i tourture my self
Tears fall and along with it my heart breaks and peices fall too.

Comment wall
Calen writes...
at 4:28:52pm on 1/13/11
hey nice profile ^^
krazyoreo writes...
at 5:10:37pm on 1/2/11
Lol thanks for the add n the vote back~ writes...
at 9:29:01pm on 6/19/09
add me
rubymoon8899 writes...
at 8:19:42pm on 5/20/09
lol i know its VERY late and ur comment is like from half a year ago but thanks a lot. i dont have photoshop actually. what i use is the regular microsoft Paint program that comes with every computer. thanks a lot for the compliment :D
Misery777 writes...
at 8:09:32am on 3/23/09
Me too. slipknot: Phsycosocial!!!
Kimi-san Uchiha writes...
at 6:01:36pm on 3/22/09
0.0.....NOT COOL BRE!!!!!! D:<
Kimi-san Uchiha writes...
at 1:50:24pm on 3/22/09
Lmfao YESH yesh it was AWESOMELY FUNNY!!!!! we should teach those freshman a lesson. Oh and Bre.....HELP MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE that freaking stalker came BACK!!!!!!! and wants me as his girlfriend and he doesn't <big>UNDERSTAND</big></b> i DONT wanna be with him and that i have a AMAZINGLY AWESOME:3 BOYFRIEND!!!!!!!!!
Kimi-san Uchiha writes...
at 10:55:36pm on 3/20/09
Lalalalalalalalalalalala ELMO'S WORLD!!!! Danananana LALALALALALA KIMI'S WORLD!!!!!! NANANANANANA
Misery777 writes...
at 9:49:05pm on 3/20/09
Thy isit bored... very bored... NYAAAAAAAA I'M BORED!!!
Misery777 writes...
at 9:01:21am on 3/20/09
Hehe, ninjas type funny.
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