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Uploaded on June 4, 2008 at 02:22:59pm

Picture Comments

  1. nice pic of Jason, at least i'm pretty sure its Jason. scary as hell so it make him Jason.

  2. thanks guys to all comments. yes its original, and maybe more muscle would be good. i'll keep that in mind.

  3. You drew this? Wow, what an art! This is really good.

  4. oooh he looks awesome!!!

  5. idk. i think it with the lesser muscle makes him look more.. rugged? yea. like he struggles to stay alive. very powerful pic if u ask squee

  6. good job, what did you use? (photoshop, pencil, etc)

  7. I really like, needs a tiny bit more muscle but it looks good

  8. Tell me what you think of my art. i'm still working on perfecting it but here is an original.