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Smokey smokes too much.
Posted on: December 16, 2007, at 09:41:20pm

Hey this is old new too but I havent really adressed it most people know about the wild fires in California about a month ago right? This got me thinking about a special bear who was saved in a forest fire and no I don't mean special in the mental way. Smokey the bear everyone knows him but how well do they really? He was known to say "Only you can prevent forest fires". But if I recall corectlly I think those forest fires were natural werent they? So now hes lied to us about the way we treat the enviroment. Sure I beleive in global warming but thats not the point (which if you read my other thoughts i rarely have a point). The fact is he lied so now can we trust him. Also if you look at him do you notice anything weird just by looking at him? HE WEARS A HAT! Who did this bear maul to get it? That concludes another addition of I cant beleive you just read a pointless thought thanks