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Off-FFR games I play
Posted on: August 14, 2008, at 09:49:07am

You can find me there.

I'm part of the Hamachi network so you can find me on IaMP.

I just started plaing osu!

I'm on SMO as well, I need to figure out what packs I'm missing though.

Edit: I forgot Kongregate.

Hamachi: Mina
SMO: Minachan
osu!: MahouMinachan
Kongregate: MahouMinachan

  1. 0_.

  2. Heh, another FFR person on Osu, awesome.

  3. Well I guess I suck at IaMP for realz
    Hamachi lmao. Never got how it worked <_>
    I'm good at SMO
    Je te mange at osu!
    And I always though kongregate was pointless tbh xD