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mmm, 20~..
Posted on: January 5, 2011, at 02:31:46pm

I tend to not really think about it most times..I'm longer in the 'teens'. In some ways- cool I guess, in other ways- somewhat annoying..xP
(funny part is I still look like I did at least a couple years younger, this one older gentleman came into my work and we had a short conversation, during which he asked me what school I went to(which high school), to which I replied, "I'm not currently in school." He was like, "Oh! Well whatever it is, keep doing what you're doing *smile*(in reference to looking younger than I am of course). I had a good little laugh to myself on that, especially since I'm always thinking that I don't look or feel as old as I am and might as well label myself 18 again xP..makes me wonder how the future would be different if I

  1. Damn. You're a grandpa now. xD

  2. I know right? D;

  3. sooneror laters youll have kids and then they will school yo ass in ffr lol

  4. Lol getting old. :]

  5. Oh nooo. I hit the big 2-0 next year. :( Oh well. I think it's just another number, really. :)