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- Unlocked Tier 0!
- FFR 9th Official Tournament: Division 2 - Participant
- FFR 10th Official Tournament: Division 3 - Participant
- FFR 11th Official Tournament: Division 3 - Participant
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Random Thoughts
11th Official Tournament
Posted on: June 25, 2016, at 05:13:58pm   [0 comments]
I don't think I've really played since the previous tournament which is why there's no surprise I'm in D3 again. I see a few familiar names in D3 as well, but I also see a few familiar names in higher divisions which reminds me of how much I've been inactive and slacking in FFR. Good luck to everyone!

Convinced my dear Waiwaifu to join, she'll be in D1 hehe.

Round 1: Follow You (feat. Danyka Nadeau) (Rhythmics Remix)

The difficulty boost is nice, I wasn't a fan of the AAA or die but I am seriously struggling haha. Good news though, I finally discovered that we're able to set decimal offsets... I know I'm so clueless for not knowing this before!


Cool song. I think this is much more readable than the previous round. The white notes trip me up a little, I think I rely too much on color for rhythm patterns.

Round 3: Funny Funky Freaky

Nightmares already.. I couldn't read this chart at all, so I started playing it at 0.6x rate to learn what was going on, increasing the rate by 0.05... until it was crunch time and I decided to mash it in the last 2 hours. Squeaked by in the last place.

Round 4: Heartache

Nightmare part 2. It's a good song, but similar to the previous round, I'm really bad at reading jumps and hands. Here, I accept defeat.

10th Official Tournament + other thoughts
Posted on: October 2, 2014, at 12:07:04am   [0 comments]
Super psyched to play in the 10th FFR Tournament. I went from D2 to D3 this time around. It's funny; I actually recognize a few of the usernames in my division from the D2 division last year despite not being the most active FFR player. Best of luck to you guys too.

Starting off today with 111 AAA's and 444 FC's which were mildly interesting numbers. What really has changed in the past year?

I guess getting a lucky AAA on Infernoplex counts for something. I really have to thank CDCan for writing me a random message, otherwise I wouldn't have paid that much attention to that song probably. XD

In terms of improvement, honestly I think a lot of it is hardware based. I have a superb computer (Intel i5-4670k, GTX 770) and some sweet peripherals (Asus 144 Hz monitor, CM Storm Trigger MX Reds) so every mistake that shows up is completely my fault and inability :) Maybe playing Beat Up on Audition Online helped a bit, but most of those charts are so elementary compared to FFR charts that I can't imagine it would've helped anything except for hitting perfects.

Round 1: Session (Ghost in the Machine Remix)
The song itself was alright. I actually really loved Session as a Linkin Park song so it was weird hearing the other melody.
Result- Stumbled out an AAA on the 6th (restart, or 3rd official play.)

Round 2: Rat Twist
Sick song and great chart. I was getting ~20 goods until I put the global offset to -1. I tend to hit things early so if something seems on the late side I struggle ><
Result- AAA on the 6th official play, but more like 20 with all the restarts, haha. I kept getting a good near the beginning for whatever reason. The pattern shows up at the end but I never mess it up then (...better than the other way around, I guess.)

Round 3: Be-Music Polyphony
Oh man, I guess this is where my nightmares begin. I tried everything, ramping up the speed multiplier to 2.5, setting it on mirror, but nothing seems to help.
Result- I scraped out a clean SDG with 8 and I'll probably avoid that song for the next year...

Round 4: Autumn Breeze
Really chill song, and it seemed much easier to read than the previous round, but boy, my brain just doesn't understand masses of green arrows flying by. I'm also running into what I call the "slow and stupid" phase where I'm too stupid to read and comprehend the patterns at 2.2x but I'm also too slow to react to the patterns/streams at 2.5x when I can actually distinguish the timing.
Result- by some stroke of magic I got 10+1boo, so I ran with it, sacrificed my numpad "/" keycap to the keyboard gods, and prayed fervently for the rest of the week that I would still be in top 16. It worked.

Round 5: We Met Dat Night
I'm wayyyy too slow and stupid for this song. Got rekt.

Comment wall
krazyoreo writes...
at 9:32:45pm on 6/7/14
Naw that was back then when I was spamming games and just wanted FC's . I'm so rusty... I keymashed back then which is bad ... but I was able to Fc like 6min songs from doing that LOLOLOL. But Yeee I hardly play this. I just go on time to time
Aweh. A lot of us moved to Mstar.
krazyoreo writes...
at 3:04:11pm on 6/7/14
Yeah I played this like 2 years before Audition & I quitted like last year and moved to Mstar haha. I'm still surprised you still play Audi. Isn't it like dead now since alot of people left.
krazyoreo writes...
at 3:59:26am on 6/7/14
didn't know you played this lol
krazyoreo writes...
at 3:32:07am on 6/7/14
omg LELELELE? it's jill
CDCan writes...
at 5:48:28pm on 4/23/14
haha =D
CDCan writes...
at 5:01:35am on 4/19/14
no thank you for the non return vote haha
CDCan writes...
at 10:31:35pm on 4/16/14
nice job on infernoplex, i saw your score on home screen
Greent writes...
at 1:36:05am on 9/24/13
Leehubby <#3
Synthlight writes...
at 12:45:37am on 4/24/12
First person to post on your wall.
