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Native Faith
Posted on: December 29, 2008, at 10:19:04am

I'll say this now. Native Faith is my favorite Touhou arrangement, so I'm happy to found someone Paint this song. ^^

  1. Goddamn it this song is so hard to make in Guitar Hero World Tour!
    Anyways I love this song. One of my many favourite Touhou songs.

  2. awesome song. =)
    even though i've never heard of such song till now. ;.;

  3. Actually this is a cool song, I have now listened to it for 3 times :>

  4. Why don't u step this song and let us play? :D

  5. I was thinking about it for a while, but I just want to try and finish my first project first (which is Northern Lights) before anything else.

  6. That was too cool for words

  7. Cool song, what is that mario thing used to play it?

  8. lol, I wanna know who took the time to make that in Mario Paint.