Kawaii025's photos

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Uploaded on March 28, 2015 at 09:27:34pm

Picture Comments

  1. Flukes are when you do something you don't think you'll ever do again. Such as in FFR's case, a run you can't replicate no matter how hard you try.
    Choke is what I did... -__-
    DDR, I was devastated. Dx Gotta play the darn song again.

  2. That is an awesome score, Kawaii, but a good on the very last step had to be [b]extremely[/b] painful.

  3. Yes, that is the fluke thread.
    Flukes, chokes, I don't see a difference.

  4. That's the fluke thread...?

  5. omg, that HURTS! you should post that in the chokes thread here...

  6. That moment when you lose your AAA on the final note of the song. -___-