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FFR Rank:16,685
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FFR Games Played:338
Last Activity:08-19-2009
Member for: 15.38 years
Gaming Region:USA - New England
Profile Views: 1,398
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2 / 3345
37 / 3345
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JelloBean's Details
About me:
In college... Accounting now I guess... umm, spiritual. I like to dance but not very good at it... just mess around normally cus I never had lessons so I'm an amateur. I've been told I have a radio voice despite my accent... Oh, I'm a gentleman too. I'm obliged to say yes mam, and yes sir... sorry, it annoys some people. I show the utmost respect to women, and the utmost disrespect to men who forget to show women the proper respect. I don't watch TV, and hate the news.
Dance | Disc | Pool | Watching K-1 | Watching MMA | Acting(not dramatic, those people annoy me. I got a more realistic style.)
Fav Music:
Acen, NIN, Cirrus, Fatboy Slim, RJD2, some Reggaeton, Marilyn Manson, most Eminem, Sthlm Teddybears, and Yasunori Mitsuda has a ridiculously beautiful voice that sends chills up your spine and gives you goosebumps.
Fav Movies:
Green Mile, Shawshank Redemption, Ironman, Goonies, Cloverfield, Benchwarmers, Ring and Grudge all of them(USA & Jap), Shall We Dance; A lot of horror movies.
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Random Thoughts
So here we are!
Posted on: September 20, 2009, at 03:02:29am   [0 comments]
Seven months, not exact, since my friend's and I had an incident with almost tilling the frozen grass with our heads and some very interesting events have occurred since then. The girl that my buddy Adam and I pinned to the seat with our arms is pregnant with Adam's child and they are fixing to get married! The guy Dave who was in the backseat, jealous of the events that ensued that night (Adam and Doni sleeping on the couch together), they've not seen Dave since the Watchmen premiere, and I aint seen him since March. Bummer too, he was a great guy. Hopefully one day he'll get through it and come back with a real smile, happy for the two of them.

As for Nikki and I? We are still together and closer than ever me thinks. We have high hopes for the future and ideas for things to come. I've never loved her more than I do today because hey, lets face it... I live by the idea that:
I love her more today than yesterday, everyday.
Meaning every waking moment, I love her more than I did before. As we've both closely agreed, we're made for each other and I'm so happy to finally have my little bit of peace in this world.

So many are still searching for that peace, and I hope they find it. See ya folks =D

Good News comes out of Bad
Posted on: February 16, 2009, at 05:02:08pm   [0 comments]
So on Saturday a bunch of friends and I were driving back to town from Rapid City when we hit a patch of a black ice doing 75mph. My buddy Adam is an EXCELLENT driver luckily, he managed to steer us towards the ditch so if we flipped we'd at least be tilling the ditch rather than gravel.

Well we spun a few times on 2 tires, and finally settled down. It was about an hour till I realized something amazing.

I've almost died 3 times in my life. All three times I experienced this deaf sensation where everything went silent while I started to pass. Two of the three times, I felt cold and a bit on edge. Not very comfortable at all.

This time was different however, I felt warm as time slowed down, and I heard a voice; The greatest person I've ever met. It was a repeat of her saying "I love you" from the night before that played back in my mind. Even when facing potentially deadly, high stakes, I found myself thinking of her and that voice that sends chills up my spine and brings a smile to my face every time.

I love Nikki, and there's nothing in the world that can change that now.

I'm um... bored sometimes.
Posted on: January 20, 2009, at 12:50:50am   [1 comment]

Comment wall
ShadowMist writes...
at 7:25:10am on 12/7/10
Oh heys! Hope everything's going well with you now. :) It's holidays now right? so it shouldn't be that busy and stuff. Hope to see you back here soon-ish, hahas.
dragon890x writes...
at 10:54:15am on 12/13/09
I love you.
dragon890x writes...
at 10:03:29pm on 12/12/09
I'm not emo/scene.
Melanie Marie Morgan writes...
at 7:04:37pm on 12/12/09
The irony of our hypocritical world is divine, isn't it?
Melanie Marie Morgan writes...
at 6:53:01pm on 12/12/09
I use to have a MySpace, and when everyone became a deformed regurgitation of the emo or scene profile preceding them and then started moving to Facebook, I quit. So amen dude, keep it fuckin real.
Melanie Marie Morgan writes...
at 6:39:54pm on 12/12/09
You know, I really do say "thank you" to people sometimes. Thanks for reading, glad you enjoyed. You're right, there's too many candy-ass 'about me' posts around here.
ShadowMist writes...
at 5:58:48am on 11/20/09
Awws. :x
Anyways.... How have you been?
I've been on here in ages....
Had exams and didn't want anything to distract me.
Sooooo.... anything new happening lately? :)
ShadowMist writes...
at 9:15:26am on 10/5/09
Oh hahas, that's awesome. x]
Awws, can't blame for not wanting to go to school then. ^^;;
Soo...what did you have for lunch? :P
ShadowMist writes...
at 9:40:24am on 10/4/09
rofl! Really? XD
Even if you don't do your assignments and stuff? Still possible to pass? :/
ShadowMist writes...
at 10:09:55am on 10/3/09
Awws, sounds tough. ;X
What if you had a valid reason or something? Like there was an accident or something? Do they still lock you out?
That's super unfair though...
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