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Hmmmm life.
Posted on: April 5, 2012, at 02:20:23pm

What is there to do with it...

  1. the way I see it is, life is broken down into 3 things or (I like to think of them as sub gernes) and those in my opinion are, doing what you love (anything you enjoy), serving a purpose to the world(there is really a lot of ways to do this but basically help other people) and having a strong social life, cause when life gets boring you can always see what your friends are up to :P but you could try sports, art, music, this game lmao, or just writing a story... just a few ideas

  2. oh, also exercise is a great depression reliever. I find if your bored doing things you would rather not do is better than doing nothing at all... that or sleep is the next best thing x)