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What made you a furry?
Posted on: March 23, 2009, at 02:23:03pm

What was the thing that made you a furry? Where was it show/comic was it from?

  1. All started with a comic called Dan and Mabs Furry Adventures. Didn't start thinkin bout furry stuff till I read it. :B

  2. Rockos Modern life.
    That hippo was a hotty.

  3. i so blame disney :3

  4. Inu Yasha >.<

  5. Friend was a furry, I didn't get it. Saw a digimon commercial with Renamon in it, and I got Starfox Adventures for Christmas. I didn't stand a chance. XD

  6. quote from Iapyx: " I got Starfox Adventures for Christmas. I didn't stand a chance. XD"
    PRETTY MUCH same here lol. i always was facsinated by anthropomorphic depictions. in fact, ive been going through some old home vids of myself and noticed how many toys and stuff i got relating to furries. i got into the real furry life browsing through deviantart about 3 years ago. i got warped by some uncensored stuff that wasnt necessarily considered "adult" but was enough to get me interested lol [/book]

  7. ....I try not to be too obsessive about it. I was for awhile though, now it's just another thing in my list of personal qualities.

  8. lol one day i was dickin around on the the web and found pal comix...while on the site i stumbled onto digimon porn..pokemon porn....chip and dale many furry titles then the furryness overcame and i started to crave for them...

  9. lol one day i was dickin around on the the web and found pal comix...while on the site i stumbled onto digimon porn..pokemon porn....chip and dale many furry titles then the furryness overcame and i started to crave for them...

  10. I got hit by the sexy truck

  11. Lucario!!!

  12. Several of my best friends were furries. I have a huge love of nature, and wolves in particular. It was more than that though, a wolf characterizes the very nature of who I am more thoroughly than any other. Then a trusting best friend in college confronted me about if I was a furry or not and confessed that he had the spirit of a dragon. That's what finally confirmed me as a furry.
    Though I do love kickass furry character designs, it has to do with more spiritual reasons than the art. I have the spirit of a wolf, and I am very proud of it.

  13. Well...I used to go on fapchan and do unspeakable things ._. I found out was a furry was through profiles on FFR, and was curious so I went in the furry section and it found it super hawt @_@ It's more of it being cute and mixing cute with pornz is awesome XD

  14. Well you all started when I was born...6000 wolves surrounded me...I had a massive boner...5999 raped me...I raped the last one...LOL JK x3

  15. Friend had the word yiffy on their profile and the meaning of it, so i decided to draw some. I really liked it and then I found out that my boyfriend was one, and made it official.

  16. Lawl the only Furry interest I've ever had is you and probably will be the only one xD

  17. About 3 years about my gay guy friend showed me some yiff.
    At first I was like o_o / wtf.
    Then it kinda grew on me.
    I lean more towards cats now.
    With names, and my drawings...

  18. I made fido123 the furfag he is today.

  19. Balto.
    'nough said.

  20. I pretty much was a Furry ever since I can remember, but I just didn't really know it yet. As a young child, I always preferred watching the Disney Movies such as the Lion King, etc other than the ones with human characters. I also played a lot of video games and Yoshi, Fox McCloud, and the Sonic characters were my favorite. The time I realized I was a Furry was about a year and a half ago, when I was on DeviantArt a lot and I saw a lot of anthro art which I thought was so awesome. So here I am today one of your fellow Furries. ^_^

  21. In my world,everyone's a pony,eats rainbows and poos butterflies!
    But anyways.
    kSo!! I met this sheep.
    I named him Vince.
    Vince said I was poo.
    So I fucked him in the ass.
    He went "Bahh".

  22. /b/

  23. i was about 12 years old and my parents had left me home by myself while they went to the store to get some groceries. it was around mid day and i was bored so i decided to go play outside with my dog bolt. there was something about him that i always liked. maybe it was the way he chased the ball around or the way his dick flopped when chasing the ball all i know is that i was extremely aroused by him. i continued to play with him a little more until i finally got the curage to get closer to him to see if he would let me experiment. after all i was 12 and curious hehe n.n;. at first i started stroking his belly then moved my way to his dog cock. at first bolt was nervous about me being in his special area but he soon realized it was something he probably wanted. after stroking his cock for several minutes he came all over my hand. being the curious boy that i was at the time i decided to see what it tasted like. that is when i found out i was a furry =^~^=

  24. Lucario, Krystal, Cynder, Renamon.
    The 4 furry gods of my life.

  25. You did <3 :)

  26. lol my mom was raped by a fox so now im a foxx furry :) rave name foxxy kitty XP

  27. What made me a furry is your hard, long, thick, juicy, succulent, enormous, monstrosity of a LOLIPOP going in my mouth ; x3...

  28. pokemonz <3

  29. I can't say I know when I became a furry. I've always been into anthro stuff since i was a kid, and of course the antro things matured as I did. When i was in highschool I always felt different, like what I was into was wrong. I didn't even know what a furry was, I didn't find out until after highschool when I joined the army (dumb dumb decision, messed up my knees) anyways, i met another guy with the same interests there and that's when I found out that not only what I liked had a name, but that I was far from alone. Furry Pride!

  30. what the fuck is this.

  31. probably vgcats, or sequential art