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Hello World
Posted on: August 7, 2023, at 01:13:55am

I only come here once in a blue moon for nostalgia. I'm 28 now and unlearned so much of the status quo and trauma I experienced from a violent adolescence, but also from being a child of a people ripped apart by feudalism, colonialism and neocolonialism. Trying to learn how to build healthy relationships and acquire skills to protect life and practice mutual aid. Learning as much history as I can. 3.5 years sober from alcohol which nearly destroyed me. Trying to survive the manual labor grind and experience joy when I can. I know what I want out of this life. I want peace. The hard part is figuring out how much to sacrifice, which I figure is always fluctuating. I never want to lose empathy or become complacent to the suffering of others ever again. I never want to see myself superior to someone less fortunate. To be well-adjusted in this life is to be deeply sick. I choose liberation for all people, not just for myself, my loved ones, my communities. Land back to all Indigenous peoples and total liberation from false democracies.