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FFR Veteran
FFR Veteran
FFR Rank:12,121
FFR Average Rank:1,646
FFR Grandtotal Rank:2,210
FFR Grandtotal:4,193,315,370
FFR Games Played:7,671
Location:Maryland, USA
Last Activity:01-11-2023
Forum Posts:601
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Member for: 19.89 years
Gaming Region:USA - Mid-Atlantic
Profile Views: 9,963
Profile Votes:49
Referred Users: 783
Dronak's Gameplay Stats Today
Dronak's Gameplay Stats Today
95 / 3337
310 / 3337
Tier Points
37 / 1500
Dronak's Details
About me:
My playing style is Conventional One-Hand 3-Fingers, I don't shrink my screen but do use a speed mod (was 1.5x, now 2x), I've had some very long periods of inactivity, and I didn't play any games like this before joining FFR. Keep these points in mind when looking at my scores/posts.
Widely varied since I love learning.
Fav Music:
I like most styles of music. Big band, jazz, blues, and classical have been long time favorites. Lately, most of the time I listen to anime music, J-pop, and electronic music (particularly trance or ambient), plus some of whatever's popular.
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Random Thoughts
Page 2
Visiting Now and Then
Posted on: September 26, 2013, at 05:33:31pm   [0 comments]
I'm not as interested in playing FFR regularly like I used to once upon a time, but I try to visit here every now and then. I may not do all that much when I'm here, probably just play a few games (despite having lost much of any skill I used to have) or read the forums, but it's still nice to stop by and see what's happening. I'm glad to see the site's still here and going strong. I hope everyone's enjoying their time here. It's a nice place.

Losing Interest
Posted on: March 28, 2009, at 04:34:06pm   [0 comments]
I've been losing interest in FFR for a while now. One reason is because I got a digital piano for Christmas (with a full keyboard, 88 keys), and I enjoy actually playing music more than just tapping along to it. Another is what I perceive to be a continued lack of easier songs being added to the game, which makes it feel like the middle and lower range players are being neglected. Above about 7 or 8 on a 12-point scale, I can't play the songs well. I can do them, but my scores are pretty bad. And yet most of the songs that seem to be added to the game are above that, with difficulties of 9-12. The lack of new songs that I can play decently well doesn't help keep my interest. Also, there's my lack of improvement. Granted, I haven't played a lot recently, but even when I was playing regularly, I felt like I was reaching the maximum of my ability. That's not necessarily terrible if the game is still fun. But since I seem to have maxed out around difficulty 8 songs, the lack of songs at or below that do not help make the game more fun. I'll probably play now and then just to avoid having a massive list of songs to catch up on, but maybe I need some time away for the game to become more interesting again. That and/or FFR should not forget about the less experienced/capable players. I know the top players want challenges and they're probably the most vocal players here, but please try not to forget about the rest of us.

External Numeric Keypad
Posted on: December 27, 2008, at 10:10:44pm   [0 comments]
Apparently I've played a lot of FFR on my computer, because I've somehow managed to wear holes in the down and right arrow keys. I can still play fine with the arrow keys, but decided to get a USB numeric keypad and try that. In general, it works OK and the keys offer the same pattern/set-up as the computer's arrow keys. However, there appears to be a small delay between pressing the key and the computer registering it in the game, because I get a lot more goods than normal on very easy songs (ones I should PC or at least SDG without real trouble). I think this may be from the computer having to recognize this as a numeric keypad press, because that indicator light goes on every time I press a key on the pad (and off when I release it). I'm probably going to keep trying it though and see if I can get used to it.

New Songs = Purchased
Posted on: November 15, 2008, at 02:56:55pm   [0 comments]
So many new songs are being put in the Purchased genre. Currently on the song list, only 1 of the last 15 isn't a purchased song. It will be almost 7 weeks from the last non-purchased new song to the next one. I know they want credits to be more valuable, but adding so many purchased songs at once doesn't give people time to save up for them, especially if they're still trying to get secret songs. This doesn't seem ideal to me, but I suppose it does give us something to work for. I guess one good thing is that almost all of the new purchased songs are out of my comfortable playing range anyway, so I don't really need tons of credits to get the couple I should be able to play fairly well.

Vacation Time
Posted on: August 7, 2008, at 11:08:56pm   [0 comments]
Not that it matters, but I'm going on vacation tomorrow and won't be back for at least a week. Hopefully my ranks won't suffer too much. :)

Comment wall
Dronak writes...
at 6:11:03pm on 9/26/13
Yes, that's my digital piano, a Yamaha YPG-635. I think I used it as my old avatar, too, but this is a newer picture with a better camera.
V-Ormix writes...
at 6:07:06pm on 9/26/13
yamaha <3
Bynary Fission writes...
at 3:14:20pm on 10/25/08
Hey, sup. I haven't seen you around in a bit.
Card Man writes...
at 3:51:55pm on 9/28/08
Hey! I noticed the Top One-Handers thread in the forums is dieing down a bit....I think we need to start posting again to keep it alive; it would be a shame for all that hard work Bynary did to go to waste. What do you think?
Bynary Fission writes...
at 12:55:44am on 8/1/08
rawr, the Tier Point list has been updated. Make sure you re-tally your requirements, as a lot have changed. Several new songs have been added, in addition to several songs having expanded reqs. The total number of points is listed on the bottom of the list each time it is updated, for future reference.
Bluearrowll writes...
at 6:43:01pm on 7/30/08
Was going to give you a thumbs up for the long post you made in Top One Handers but I guess I already did. Hi. :p
Bluearrowll writes...
at 6:53:26pm on 7/26/08
Congrats on unlocking my token fast ;p
Bynary Fission writes...
at 9:55:42pm on 7/18/08
Hey dude. I've updated the top one handers list, if you want a look. I've also tossed out a proposal for the TP list, and feedback would be appreciated. It is in the TP list,
Interestingly enough, your average rank remained the same from the last update.
Bynary Fission writes...
at 3:32:16pm on 7/13/08
I read your comments. Well said, however, I say you can still improve, as long as you don't have something like carpal tunnel (I doubt it). You're still doing pretty good though, I'm sure you can maintain your spot on that list easily.
Bynary Fission writes...
at 1:42:10am on 7/13/08
Hey dude, I'm not sure if you've forgotten about the top one handers list, but I've completely redone it: check it out!
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