Good Profile! UnCool! 
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FFR Games Played:89
Last Activity:03-16-2009
Member for: 15.23 years
Gaming Region:USA - New England
Profile Views: 818
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About me:
I'm insecure, Stupid, Hyper, and Fun. I'm still learning my place in the world, and I know where I want to go. One of my passions is drawing, singing and simply seeing anime. HELL YEAH it makes me feel good. I Cosplay, it's one of my life projects. I hate the place where I live, no one is tolerant and they don't understand why I'm me, and want to force me to be JUST LIKE THEM ALL. I'd like to say I'm <pretty and perfect, but I'm clearly not, So I'll just be Happy with who I am. I like meeting new people :D So feel free to send me a message >3
Anime, Manga, Metal, MSI, Gothic Metal, Industrial, Gaara, dancing, hyperness.
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Random Thoughts
Out With The Head
Posted on: March 17, 2009, at 02:40:43pm   [0 comments]
Time goes by
As the stars die.
In your mind,
I’ll always belong to you.
Oh but how wrong!
Oh more wrong could you be!
Don’t deceive yourself darling,
I will never go back to the past.

Don’t change yourself
You are just fine the way you are
And I’ll just stay as the big fat liar I am.

Deceive me, will you?
Betray me, will you?
Murder me, will you?
Cut me, will you?
Write me letters of love and take me to a hateful war.
Break my thunder, obey your commander.
Break my thunder, obey your commander.
Break my heart, obey your selfishness.

Oh my, where did I put my soul?
Oh my, did abandon it somewhere?
Oh, it doesn’t matter anymore.
I don’t need to sell it anymore.
So put the mask of deceive and smile at me.
So put the mask of yourself and break free.
Break free.

Posted on: March 10, 2009, at 03:05:29pm   [0 comments]
Mystify my dreams,
For so long I've been dreaming,
But now I know, this is all there is.

Revive me,
swing me across the floor,
Let me bleed.
Let my breathing be your salvation,
Or your doom.

Crows crave for my soul,
Honey can't you hear them?
Strange, am I not just a simple maid?

Oh how strange. Your eyes are all over me.
How strange.
Am I just not a simple maid?

The mirror lost my image,
when I looked at it for the second time,
My image had perished.
And lost, in the middle of more than one hundred thousand images that strangely all looked like me.
But I'm just a simple maid!
The one that cleans up the mess after the party!
The one that helps everyone go to bed, when they can't even stand up!
Oh, How strange. How strange.
I wonder, for how long, will I be just a simple maid.

Comment wall
catcat472 writes...
at 10:09:07pm on 10/17/09
sup nice profile
Kage_No_Shi writes...
at 11:25:21pm on 4/3/09
Well, you'd expect at least a passing knowledge, considering it is a higher school of learning for art ~_~
Kage_No_Shi writes...
at 12:18:55am on 3/25/09
Well, I think it is ironic to have a school of art plagued by persons who know nothing of it...Well, then again, it IS a school, one is supposed to learn stuff in it, so I hear....
It is stupid as well, in any case XD
Kage_No_Shi writes...
at 9:53:18pm on 3/23/09
I figured that was what you meant XD
But.....Isn't it kind of ironic that your classmates don't know much about art?
Kage_No_Shi writes...
at 5:19:39am on 3/20/09
That sucks for you -_-
But only one class member that 'knows anything at all about everything'? Did you mean to say this lone class member is the only one that knows anything about anime? Or did you mean to say that every other person in class do you say....a drooling idiot? For your sake, I hope you meant the former XD
Kage_No_Shi writes...
at 7:32:39pm on 3/18/09
Lol, I see, rebel it is then.
Lol, can I join your class? I'm lazy, though I'm atrocious at art XD
Kage_No_Shi writes...
at 2:56:47pm on 3/17/09
Lol, bad girl, skipping school to go to a con XD
I would too, but that's me XD I'm not in school anymore, I got kinda bad at doing school stuff, when High School came around. Too much homework darn it!
Kage_No_Shi writes...
at 11:37:43am on 3/16/09
Toronto just happens to be a big city near me >_> I doubt you knew where Pickering was XD
Meh, I'll go to a con eventually, I hope, but not now, I think, Especially since I sleep almost the entire time it is open (I have night shift work).
Kage_No_Shi writes...
at 9:09:14am on 3/16/09
Fair enough, though I do think the best cosplay is done by people who choose characters that suit them.
Really? Well, I can't imagine there being a huge anime convention scene in Portugal ~_~ There is actually a convention set for next weekend, in Toronto (nearby big city).
Kage_No_Shi writes...
at 9:25:28am on 3/14/09
Obviously I was joking XD
True as that may be, the characters I'd want to play as are mostly Bishies. Non bishie person playing as a bishie? Ehhhh. I'm not social either, the fun would just be going there, for me. Maybe taking a bunch of pictures, and buying stuff XD
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