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Progression Visualization
Posted on: February 20, 2022, at 01:48:43pm

As I've been playing I've been visualizing a sort of progression bar where each song difficulty fits into a role to help me become more proficient.

Yellow = AAA range
Green = FC range
Blue = Practice range
Red = Get rekt range

Each of these ranges have their benefits as I rotate through them.

FC range (first half) - Practice precision and focus while pumping out shiny AAA's

FC range (second half) - Use these songs for warmup

Blue range - Practice these songs for speed and technique development

Hands tired? focus on AAA's. Sick of all the blackflags? Try pushing the upper boundaries of the practice range.

  1. I like this, nice concept! It's a really clever way to visualize what I've thought about in my mind previously for what to do when, well done.