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OT 14 Final Thoughts
Posted on: August 25, 2021, at 11:06:53am

Looks like I made the finals for the 14th Official Tournament in D2!

I'm excited to have achieved at least 3rd place. I returned to FFR just this late May, and was at first wondering how the 13 year old me came up with some of the scores he did to reach level 21, now I'm at level 59.

This tournament has been a fantastic journey and I've really enjoyed having something to motivate me to get better during this time. It has definitely rekindled my passion for this game and rhythm games in general.

Last round had a very difficult song for me and it was the first time this tournament I struggled and had to push to stay in. The rest of the tournament I was comfortably in the top 3 scores. D2 this year had lots of no-entries and people that submitted only one score for a song (someone didn't submit even in the 6th round). I feel like my story is different had some of these people submitted.

Here I am, sitting with my cold brew coffee, eating breakfast and warming up to throw myself at the final song. I don't believe I'll be able to put up a score here to get out of 3rd - but I'll be trying - hard.

Thanks everyone in the ffr community for making this a fun event, especially to my fellow D2ers.

Update: My best so far is nowhere near what Hbar put in 2nd. I'm just behind the pattern the whole time, too many notes lol. I will get 3rd but I am happy. I knew from previews I would not be near competitive at all if this was the song. The other song would have given me a better shot.