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FFR 16th Official Tournament
Posted on: June 24, 2023, at 07:41:53am

Round 1 | The End of Dreams (Cut Ver.) | AAA - 2405-0-0-0-0

Round 2 | Angel's Salad | BF - 1785-1-0-0-0

Round 3 | A Battle I Absolutely Can’t Lose ~ Kill the Nyanko | AAA - 1981-0-0-0-0

Round 4 | Nhelv | AAA - 2204-0-0-0-0

Round 5 | Illegal Trap | AAA - 2313-0-0-0-0

Round 6 | O Wings that Embrace Senju Banmei | BF - 1825-0-0-0-1

Round 7 | VIS::CRACKED v2 | 2932-11-0-2-4-1937

Round 8 | Braindead | 3433-7-1-1-8-2812 - Eliminated

  1. 🆗

  2. you are insane what the fuck