BabyViperx3's photos

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Uploaded on March 2, 2009 at 01:58:59am

Picture Comments

  1. Shes like WOOT this roller coaster owns!!! =)

  2. I think I used to sleep like this.

  3. I know what she is dreaming of. That cookie I was gonna give her.

  4. She's like ^_________^!!!

  5. Grats :)! adorable :D

  6. awwwuh hahah i hope her arms dont go to sleep D:!

  7. SOOO ADORABLE!!!! Wonder what she's dreaming about. Haha.

  8. You need to add a speech bubble and her saying WEEEEE!

  9. Omg that's so cute xD
    I wish I could sleep like that.

  10. your baby is adoable liz :D

  11. AWWW thats SOOOO CUTEE :DD

  12. :D that's the way she sleeps. How cute is she? <3