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FFR so far...
Posted on: December 28, 2010, at 06:29:04pm

Much fun is had, but my fingers are starting to cramp from overuse. :x I wouldn't mind, but it slows down how fast I can hit the keys! Not that I'm very fast anyways. I'm not very good yet. Xp
The community here is fantastic. Never before on the internet have I been treated so nicely~ I really like it here, and I think I'll hang around. -nodnod-
Also, I find the '(#) arrows hit today' bit pretty interesting. It sounds like it would be hard to keep track of, but perhaps there's a method I'm unaware of? I'd love to know.
I'm also considering putting up a different avatar/pic/thing, but Queen of France Kitty is just... so... /internet-y/~!! 8D