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Posted on: June 23, 2008, at 11:33:30am

By popular demand (not really, I made that up) I went and did four more videos.

Big Blue AAA
Frictional Nevada AAA
Adventures of Lolo AAA
4 Chord Touhou AAA

Go see them on my youtube profile at

Enjoy. Fear the CD CASE OF DOOM

  1. Amazing. I could never get close to that FN AAA. Maybe in a couple of years?

  2. I am only playing for like 1.5 years. And you??????????????? 5.99999998 years?????????????????????????????

  3. Awesome. :D

  4. That CD case, oh god, THE HORROR!!

  5. Adventures of LOLO unreal.... makes me want to quit

  6. LOL your too good lol. It is people like you that inspire me to keep on playing this game.

  7. You know a pants Re-AAA video would be fucking EPIC EPIC EPIC.

  8. I wanted that Big Blue AAA really badly. D: D: D: D: D: D: