яoderigo's photos

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Uploaded on August 21, 2008 at 03:49:50pm

Picture Comments

  1. can i touch your face? it looks super soft :3

  2. if you where a cookie i would eat you all up :D

  3. Yummie :P

  4. i bet your friends miss you alot
    you seem like a fun kid ^_^
    (im not implying hes dead anyone who reads this)
    O_O I like your sunglasses :)

  5. *pokes u then runs 4 fun screaming ICE-CREAMMM* CUZ IT RULEZ <3CUTE PIC

  6. Pull The Triger Bitch LOL kidding i said that cuz u got that look on ur face lol!! :D

  7. you have a heart that makes people smile you can tell just by looking at you sorry if that sounds weird :)

  8. I like your sunglasses

  9. you'reeeeeeeeeeeeeee sooooooooooo
    *extra letters add emphasis :)*

  10. You're really cute. :]

  11. you're super cute (:

  12. mmmhhhmmm yer yummayyyy :D

  13. mmmhhhmmm yer yummayyyy :D

  14. LOVE the sunglases!!!!!!

  15. Wow, I love those sunglasses. o.o
    Cute. =]

  16. awe your adorable :D !

  17. this is the cutest
    it makes me smile =]

  18. Omg I love it!

  19. ahh yer really cute :]
    I'm sure you hear that a lot lol

  20. I like this one...
    A lot...

  21. haha lovin the shades! still getting cutier!