Thread: FFR Suggestions
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Old 04-5-2011, 02:33 PM   #644
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Default Re: FFR Suggestions

You missed the points completely. Mashing is mindless. Completely mindless. People see a pattern or wall of arrows and just mash because they don't know how to hit it or can't hit it. It's pretty stupid they get better ranks because they averaged/good/boo rushed all the hard patterns where a top tier player can hit all or most of it.

Getting rid of combo based scoring divides pros and joes. If joes can't play like pros, they shouldn't get the recognition as pros. It forces them to try and DO the files.

Let's go back to Dossar's analogy:

Person plays one minute waltz. He blindly mashes the tough, awkward fingering patterns but hits every note in the song with a considerable amount of other notes.

Another person plays it much nicer and cleaner but misses a few notes here and there.

Which sounds better?
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