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Urm. Yeah.
Posted on: July 10, 2006, at 06:53:48pm

So like, this is my profile on FFR... Kinda like a myspace *not that I have one*

So anyway, I'm making a table.. OUT OF WOOD. Yeah, and Im trying to learn C++ so I can start using the ideas I have to make a game, but I dont have time, patients, and the money to learn (and buy a tutorial or take lessions) C++. =/ Im doomed. Anyway, I like stepmania... I have the full Chaomix pack and the Plaugemix series... Some other random songs I picked up from FFR... So if you wanna play SM online with me (SM4) then email me, at zashxx at yahoo dot com (Scrambled to fool email harvesting bots) Uh Im not the best, I can do like 10 or 11 foot, depending on how fast and how hard. So, yeah, I talked alot. Well, Im going... to do something now.

*IMPLEXODE* = Implode + Explode

Implexode was my creation... so if you use it, just dont say it was your idea. Thanks. >_> <_<