Good Profile! UnCool! 
FFR Player
FFR Average Rank:59,471
FFR Grandtotal Rank:113,390
FFR Grandtotal:75,153,275
FFR Games Played:188
Location:Massachusetts, USA
Last Activity:07-08-2008
Member for: 16.54 years
Gaming Region:USA - New England
Profile Views: 1,373
Profile Votes:11
SPietru140's Details
About me:
My ultimate goal is to work for the Federal Bureau of Investigation as a forensic psychaitrist. I will be attending Northeastern University as a biology major with the pre-med option. It will all happen in time... and with much determination. In addition, one thing that will always remain important in my life is my knowledge. I know of nothing that could exceed its importance. The word "passion" is not sufficient enough to describe what I feel towards studying languages. Nothing could be more fulfilling than to speak in tongues unknown to those surrounding you.
My Alienware, Literature, Lacrosse, Languages, Movies, Criminal Psychology, Philosophy, Serial killers, The cultures of Germany and Russia, The MEN of Germany and Russia, Health and physical fitness, Gender, Hockey, Football, Medicine, Autumn, Mathematics, Religions, Past-life regression, History, Traveling, Operas and other forms of theatre productions, Law Enforcement, Firearms, Writing- mainly essays and short stories, Body language, Debates, The Criminal mind and much, much more.
Fav Music:
If a song has a message or a moral to portray and the performers aren't vocally nor instrumentally impaired, I will listen with an open mind. I must admit, however, I have a weakness for songs in different languages.
Fav Movies:
LOTR trilogy, Harry Potter, Saving Private Ryan, Schindler's List, Pulp Fiction, The Matrix, Fight Club, Silence of the Lambs, Thelma and Louise, United 93, Saw I, The Lake House, Letters from Iwo Jima, Flags of Our Fathers, Hannibal Rising, The Invisible.
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Zro2hero writes...
at 5:27:09pm on 4/9/08
only thing that really keeps me in shape
Zro2hero writes...
at 5:26:48pm on 4/9/08
well I've been practicing like 5th year now. pretty fun :)
Zro2hero writes...
at 5:11:50pm on 4/9/08
Hi there. nice profile, thumbs up!
RaiBlade writes...
at 7:22:08pm on 4/7/08
Interesting profile. You're attending Northeastern? I just got accepted there for English. ^__^
darkelf1135 writes...
at 4:56:31pm on 4/1/08
its ok i asked for it
darkelf1135 writes...
at 4:42:49pm on 4/1/08
i went to school thats about it
darkelf1135 writes...
at 4:30:25pm on 4/1/08
i am sick and i think i am getting worse
darkelf1135 writes...
at 1:35:44pm on 4/1/08
hi how r u
Cubsrox writes...
at 7:51:17pm on 3/31/08
lol sprints i cant run like that
and yea i got stacks of homework that i was suppost
to do over spring break but yeah i had other plans (party)lol
Cubsrox writes...
at 7:36:10pm on 3/31/08
hey not much jus got home from track
so what you ben up 2
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