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Are these things even used anymore?lol
Posted on: March 23, 2024, at 11:37:04am


i remember when i reach my 10 years on this page. only felt like yesterday.

my computer is getting outa date so i can't play ffr atm (ik, sounds like an issue you'd hear in pre-2014, not post-2024), but i THINK, think my skill is still somewhat there.

kinda crazy how being in my teens growing up with rhythm games go by slowly, suddenly feels like I'm already speeding through my twenties like it's only a year ago. that especially holds true post-pandemically speaking.

haven't been much on my pc as of late, but maybe when i get my own place eventually i'll get a new pc.

idk, just a random thought after all. hope everyone here is still doing fine, new or old.

if i'm active anywhere the most it's likely gonna be Steam (same username everywhere). feel free to reach out if you need a friend to just someone to talk to. or if you wanna talk about rhythm games or related. idk.

cya around.

  1. yes, Random Thoughts are still used. If u don't participate in the forums, leave recordable scores, post videos, stream, and update other aspects of your profile, then ppl can still find ur profile through Random Thoughts