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Posted on: August 29, 2008, at 01:46:16am

  1. Freak XD
    Between, why dont you just turn this stepmania timer off? o.o Its fucking annoying...and gay XD

  2. lol, sweet!

  3. You beast.

  4. Um aod, aren't you a girl . . .

  5. where do you get the stepfiles from???
    that song sounds fun to play!!!
    but i was laughing as hell when you missed one because of your reaction of missing.

  6. I cant imagine you can read the whole song. Gj

  7. damn your good, lol.

  8. damn no wonder your good at ffr(^_^)nice..good job!!

  9. Just OMG your awesome love it!! :D

  10. O.O

  11. Holy...

  12. wtf...

  13. i could finish it at 0.5 speed on a good run :P

  14. Very nice video, good job, AOD.

  15. Oh no!!! damn it Hahaha, nice job tho. ^-^

  16. godly...

  17. I hate that keyboard. I don't know how you get that much speed out of it. Anyway, nice score.

  18. O.o NOOO you missed D:

  19. you kick (OVER NINE THOUSAND)more asses than i can