Good Profile! UnCool! 
FFR Player
FFR Rank:6,562
FFR Average Rank:6,221
FFR Grandtotal Rank:15,560
FFR Grandtotal:635,939,385
FFR Games Played:863
Location:Henderson, Nevada, USA
Last Activity:11-14-2009
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Member for: 16.86 years
Gaming Region:USA - Southwest
Profile Views: 4,021
Profile Votes:107
Referred Users: 4
uriukurasaki's Gameplay Stats Today
uriukurasaki's Gameplay Stats Today
12 / 3345
143 / 3345
Tier Points
6 / 1500
uriukurasaki's Details
About me:
six foot three inches tall, sort of long brown hair,and strong/fit, work out loosely, and uhhhhhh yea, not much else ;P (skype: lumenot7)
tv, drawing, video games, anime, japanese language(i've had 3 years of japanese classes in highschool), going to friend's houses, editting pics, talking to pplz on the comp, doing other things on the comp,practicing parkour hmmm...more stuff..but, im kinda lazy so..yea xP
Fav Music:
none specific, it just depends on what i think sounds good..but mostly japanese and video game music, also techno and rock and jazz and classical and symphony and
Fav Movies:
All The Matrix movies, Iron Man(haven't seen second one yet), Spider-Man(at least 1 and 2), The (Incredible) Hulk(both the original and newer one), Prince of Persia: Sands of Time, various anime movies, Kung Fu Hustle, Kung Pow, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, Finding Nemo, Men In Black I/II, Jurrasic Park(all 3), and many others x3
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- Unlocked Tier 0!
Random Thoughts
Lol, My Rank
Posted on: October 25, 2010, at 12:41:29am   [0 comments]
My rank right now(10:40pm 10/24/10) is 11213 :P, buuut, if you take out the extra 1's, it's
1(1)2(1)3..123 xP

The Best from the Magikarp Splash Attack flash
Posted on: October 24, 2010, at 04:27:52am   [2 comments]
-Magikarp, use Hyperbeam! Well what the fuck you mean you don't have Hyperbeam? ~just use Splash Attack~.

-Fool~. My Magikarp is immune to other Magikarp's Splash Attacks.

-This bitch be trippin up all in your grill Magikarp, use a Splash Attack!-

-Magikarp u- *ring ring ring ring* Hello? I- I'm in the middle of somethin..Team Rocket? Team Rocket can suck on mah balls, Magikarp, use a Splash Attack~.

-Magikarp, dodge away from that Splash!...Nice work Magikarp, now counterattack with your own Splash!

-Magikarp return! I choose you! ..Magikarp! Use a Splash Attack!

-Magikarp return!! I choose you! Ditto! ..Oh shhhit, wait.*Ditto turns into a Magikarp*

Alriiiight~~ :3
Posted on: October 23, 2010, at 06:40:53pm   [0 comments]
Finished getting all of the skill tokens my skill will allow for now :P.
Will try for more as my skill level progresses~ :3

But for now, work on ranking~

Ok, so I think I just realized how good I am...
Posted on: October 21, 2010, at 03:22:58am   [0 comments]
I've been watching a couple pplz replays tonight, and now have a new song to look for so I can play it x3, but that's besides the point, lol.
Anyways, check out my replay of this song here and tell me what you think if you have time :3 ^^.
(im still not that good i don't think, but that's why im asking you, whoever sees this, to let me know what you think x3)
(p.s. oh, and I fc'd this song, you know how ffr's replays are sometimes =,=~)
(p.s.s. if you don't believe me or know about how ffr's replays don't always play back correctly, go to my replays page
and check the real stats for yourself x3)

It's finally oVER 9000!! >:O x3
Posted on: October 20, 2010, at 01:45:56am   [0 comments]
My credit count is finally OVER 9000!

Comment wall
akatsaru writes...
at 1:50:19pm on 12/17/10
<3 uriu
zeus44 writes...
at 6:14:20pm on 11/27/10
heyy hows it going :)
postdanceofromance writes...
at 1:54:47pm on 11/21/10
hiii! sorry for the late reply~ thanks for commenting on my youtube vid! i just now replied back to it lol. i'm just super busy with school; i'm about to graduate! what's up with you?
Murtaug writes...
at 4:54:01pm on 11/7/10
ah hey! i had no idea you commented on my wall! yea its been a loooong time haha but it feels great to be back! im surprised at how fast people came back!
snlrock writes...
at 10:02:13pm on 11/6/10
hi i used to be bleach1fan till i lost my pass :/.im regrouping all my friend on my new page
UnluckySoul writes...
at 2:17:14pm on 11/1/10
lol no i wasn't excited lol. so no worries
ohhhhhh! omg heyy :P
Vampire_Isumo writes...
at 9:51:24am on 10/31/10
Trying to get used to being on FFR again. And trying to make some new friends since my old ones won't come back. What about you? :3
Vampire_Isumo writes...
at 1:54:58pm on 10/30/10
You were one of the people who's profile I checked in hopes that your last login was recently.
Hiiii :)
wargasm1 writes...
at 10:21:14am on 10/30/10
fc'd death piano, rank 37 :P
wargasm1 writes...
at 6:04:28pm on 10/29/10
the last images on my profiles are for 1x tourney :P
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