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MLG Toronto/Fan Expo
Posted on: August 26, 2008, at 01:52:49am

As most of you know, I play Halo professionally and travel around to play in the national and international tournaments, etc. Well this weekend was MLG Toronto, which I already knew I was going to, but I didn't realize until I got there that there was a Comic Con-esque festival thing going on in the same exact venue at the same time called Fan Expo. I'm not familiar with alot of this stuff because I don't watch anime or play card games, etc, but it was still pretty cool to see all the people in costumes and just wander around the festival when I wasn't busy playing Halo. I took some pics with my phone, but they're kinda shitty quality. I uploaded them all to look at because I know alot of people here know about or watch anime. There was also alot of Yu-Gi-Oh, Magic: TG, Pokemon, and Chaotic Game (which I'd never heard of before this weekend) cards being sold. I saw alot of insane people this weekend, dressed as animals, comicbook characters, Star Wars characters, anime characters, and all kinds of other stuff. I also met Brent something ( I forget the last name) who was apparently a character in Star Trek at some point, so that's pretty cool. Pretty much the whole tourney was fun as hell!

Oh, and if anyone was wondering, my team placed 8th, which wasn't as good as I had hoped, but out of 256 teams, it's still respectable.

I spent a total of 11 hours travelling home today though so I'm exhausted and am probably gonna pass out in like 3.. 2....


  1. No problem! Hahah, you did great! Don't worry about it. I think 8th is very good, and you all got 800 dollars each at least.
    GOOD JOB! I'm looking forward to the tournament in Texas. ^___^ <3