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I did it! D5 is mine!!!!
Posted on: September 30, 2021, at 02:40:03am

9 days after I come back from my semi-hiatus, and close to 8 months of being D4 later, I can't believe I'm actually typing this now. D5 has actually finally been achieved! Back in mid February, I recall saying that D4 would definitely be the last division promotion I could ever possibly earn, and thinking that any higher division would've definitely been way out of my league, because, at the time, I struggled a lot with just getting any AAA equivalency over 60. And now, as I type this, 60+ equivalencies covers almost my whole top 100. And on top of that, unbelievably, I even managed to get my very first 70+ AAA ever! Wow! All the improvement that slowly occurred over those months was so much more then I could've ever imagined! And maybe it'll continue to slowly get even better from here! Will just have to keep on playing like I've been to find that out! For now though, I think I'll probably take a break from the much higher difficulties (grinded them so much over this last week, and my fingers are kinda tired from all that now, my left hand is especially aching from it x_x) and instead start to really aim towards that other big FFR goal I had: getting 1,000 AAAs!

carnation with 2 goods is what officially got me over the edge for achieving D5! Wow, how funny. I say that because a 2 good SDG is what got me the last division promotion too!

  1. HUGE CONGRATS FRIEND! definitely well deserved.